Tuesday, August 31, 2010


so i found a page today in our journal blank except for the upper left hand corner it said 8.31.09

oh did my brain go a wandering...where were you a year ago today..where was i.

so many places we have been in between....and today is so wonderful for me..and i know then was to a point as well but not like now..now i am freer healthier happier and so much content with my life and my choices. oi. amen aho..thank god.

i have been very busy tonight...buzzzzzz oh the last few days..week. wowo....doing so much, plannin so much -networking and connecting all to make tomorrow bee a perfect day no matter how crazy it may be...it will be wonderful!

i was watching the live feed from the burn today...so funn to hear Toms voice on the radio...yup good radio voice! hearing him i wonder how far away you are.

i do hope your Tuesday has been wonderful ....mine has been a whirlwind..of planning, and rushing and brain storming and even making scaverner hunts for others! ie..a very good day. even got to spend time chatting with your sister..i really like when she pops in and we IM.

i do so look forward to our next encounter...missing my moon, my man.


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