Sunday, December 19, 2010

I am...

I am starting to just feel bruised and beat up by you. You always take the first punch. And I can't take many more.


  1. i sadly feel i walk on eggshells at times and i have a hard time avoiding things that can become triggers. i hear that you say i don't care but i do yet that doesn't make it easier when trying to think about everything i say before i say it to figure out if it will hurt you or not or push a delicate button.

    as for hiding things...or selectively omitting things..i am not actively doing that either no matter how it looks...and i am sorry it does look that way.

    i;m sorry if i get defensive when i feel you tell me so often so many things i do or don't say or don't are just looked at as things that hurt you and i feel you think i do them with intent to purposely hurt you..when they are not.

    i hear you tell me i am mean over and over..and you said you where done..i heard you then too.

    we are both tired from this... and i know i feel bad about all of it.... :(

