Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coming up...


Sunday's New Moon in Sagittarius (exact at 111:37am) emphasizes 'The Quest'. At the core of our being, what are we searching for. Every 'question' is a 'quest I (am) on' for information, revelation, transformation, exaltation. This particular New Moon is conjunct what is known as the 'Great Attractor' - the direction in space toward which our own galaxy and scores of others, billions of stars, multi-billions of points of consciousness, are all being drawn. When a point in space 'aligns', the energy or harmonic of that direction becomes temporarily available. A time for breakthroughs. Who are we as a collective? And how do we change the world?

Do you want to try and use this moon? We shall both be together. It's at 12:37am Michigan time. I know that is an awkward time on Sunday. But maybe whatever it is, is only 5 minutes.

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