Sunday, December 20, 2009

Extended Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle- acceptance

When i tried to avoid pain and discomfort  this year i was attempting the impossible and I doomed myself to fail and did nothing but create even more pain and suffering for myself and for the people I love. I am at a place of feeling acceptance for all that I have brought upon me in an understanding that a large part of achieving happiness so that i can move beyond this even in the face of all i have done wrong is accepting the good as well as the bad. Facing the realities so that I can change and make amends as I learn from all that has happened at my owns hands. 
I am my own demon, i get that now and I now understand that I am my own medicine too if I start with accepting what I have done, sitting with it and understanding it is a part of me, not one that i want but not one i can just make go's like fear,  I have to work to understand it and work to not have it be a prominent part of my life by not ignoring it or denying it exists but accepting it and working it into my reality so its not powerful and damaging to myself and especially others. 

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