Monday, October 26, 2009

Hidden Messages


This was supposed to be an experiment.
It had failed.

Try 2 tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2009



splits the difference

the time between

7 and 9

I would love to be your 7 if you be my 9.

You have already been there for me numerous times...79 perhaps? Thank you for being in my life and being everything you are to me.

A little bit about my yesterday...

So.  That's me up on the roof.  
It's a tittle picture.  Let's not worry to much about the captions...

so stop reading.

Are you gone?

now I can tell you a secret....

I was walking over the river when you hung up to call me again- cause your phone was echoing.

One wall down- 4 to go.
And of course.  I think of you when I see Disco balls.
Maybe it should be broken disco balls?


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

and you!

book, love, photography, love, words, love, magic, love, bending, love.....

i do look forward to this new adventure of our creating....blogs, journals, travels, images, hearts, spirits, souls, life and love...

let go with me.....and worry not about the nets!