Monday, September 29, 2014

..used to...


i'm sure you know the words....

saturday night lolla...Sweet Nothing.................8/4/14

crowd of what 20,000 dancing and singing so hard..time of their lives.. i had never heard this song.. and when i did i hit me like a ton of bricks and i was alone is sea of people...again.

I Just Don't Think.............and..i am not sure i will ever want to............8/4/14

even if its rather annoying at times and may look or sometimes feel pathetic...just can't rush these things i guess.

daily reminder 8/4/14

Adam Cohen - We Go ...

i just need to remember .... 7/10/14

..the one armed hug.. and that will keep me from looking back or looking forward.. as actions speak so-----loudly

Monday, September 8, 2014


..we go home. ps......that's no way to say....